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Where You Live Matters

Welcome to the ASHA website! For access to the member’s only section, please login using your ASHA credentials. If you are unsure about your login, contact Meghan Bertoni at [email protected] for assistance.

If you are not a member and your organization is interested in joining the Association or learning more about the benefits of membership, be sure to check out the Why Join ASHA section of the site.

Better. Stronger. Different.
Introducing the NEW Where You Live Matters

The new Where You Live Matters is designed to break through online clutter and become THE top online destination for people seeking unbiased, expert information on senior living. We offer what other online resources can’t – the proactive engagement of thousands of community members who support an industry-backed online resource. 

Why participate? Our new community locater tool offers prospects direct access to individual communities. And as participation increases, we’ll be the only free online resource, delivering more unpaid qualified traffic and ultimately leads.

What hasn’t changed … we are not financially incentivized to lead families to paid providers. Our work is simply fueled by a passion for senior living and for helping seniors find community – however they define it. 

Participation is Easy. 


Create Account

To create your account, simply fill in the requested fields. We’ll send you an email verifying your account.


Log In | Manage Your Listing

After your account is verified by ASHA, simply log-in with a username (email) and password to claim, edit and manage your listing(s).


Linking to Where You Live Matters

Adding links to Where You Live Matters, such as logos, online resources and community profiles, boosts SEO performance for your organization and Where You Live Matters.